











Minimally-invasive Treatment Workshop for Congenital Heart Disease


Time: June 12, 2015 14:30-18:00


Location: The 2ndConference Room, 1stfloor, Conference Center, Yue Hai Hotel, Ningxia


First Session Hosts: Wang Yun You Tao Chen Jiahua

14:30 - 14:50 卵圆孔未闭与偏头痛-从MIST到PRIMA试验 张玉顺(西安交大一附院

Patent Foramen and Migraine – fromMIST toPRIMATrial

Zhang Yushun (The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University)

14:50 - 15:10 TEE在心脏微创手术中的应用 郭文彬(山东省立医院

Application of TEE in Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery

Guo Wenbin(Shandong Provincial Hospital)

15:10 - 15:30 室间隔缺损特殊类型的微创封堵治疗 李红昕(山东省立医院)

Minimally Invasive Closure for Special Types of Ventricular Septal Defect

Li Hongxin( Shangdong Provincial Hospital)

15:30 –15:50 S8-3t-micro食管超声引导下婴幼儿危重先心病的镶嵌治疗


TEE guided Hybrid Therapy of Critical Congenital Heart Disease in infants

Chen Jun( Affiliated Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University)

15:50 - 16:00 茶歇Coffee breaks

下半场主持:方刚 董逸飞万荣华

Second Session Hosts: Fang Gang Dong Yifei Wan Ronghua

16:00-16:20先天性心脏病介入治疗的发展方向 潘湘斌(阜外心血管病医院

The Development Direction of Interventional Therapy for Congenital Heart Disease

Pan Xiangbin (Fuwai Hospital of Cardiovascular Disease)

16:20 - 16:40安全稳步的推进先天性心脏病外科封堵术 吴向阳(兰州大学第二医院)

Safe and steady advancing for surgical closure of congenital heart disease

WuXiangyang (Lanzhou University Second Hospital)

16:40 –17:00常见先天性心脏病治疗方法的探讨 李晓东(宁夏医科大学总医院)

Discussion on the Treatment of Common Congenital Heart Disease

Li Xiaodong( General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University)

17:00 -17:20 房间隔缺损经胸治疗 刘旭东(宁夏医科大学总医院

Atrial Septal Defect by Thoracic Therapy

LiuXudong(General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University)

17:20-17:40 食道超声心动图在常见先心封堵术中应用的基础知识 周丽(宁夏医科大学总医院) Basics for application of TEE in common congenital heart diseaseclosure operations

Zhou Li (General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University)

17:40-17:50 自由讨论Free discuss



Time: June 13, 2015 8:30-16:00


Location: The 2ndConference Room, 1stfloor, Conference Center, Yue Hai Hotel, Ningxia

08:30~08:40开幕式及介绍嘉宾 孙涛(宁夏医科大学)

Opening Address and Introduction of the Guests Sun Tao(Ningxia Medical University)


Jia Shaobin (General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University)


Wang Yun (General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University)

上半场(08:40~10:30主持人:高长青 刘迎龙 Andreasen

First Session (08:40~10:30) Hosts: Gao Changqing Liu Yinglong Andreasen

08:40~09:00 诊断性治疗评估合并重度肺动脉高压的先心病手术适应症 刘迎龙(北京安贞医院)

Diagnostic treatment of congenital heart disease with severe pulmonary hypertension:Operation indications Liu Yinglong (Beijing Anzhen Hospital )

09:00~09:20机器人心脏外科手术 高长青(解放军总医院) Robotic heart surgery GaoChangqing(PLA General Hospital)

09:20~09:40急性肾损伤与心脏手术后心血管事件的联系 Andreasen(丹麦奥尔堡大学医院)

Acute kidney injury and association with cardiovascular events after cardiac surgery

Andreasen(Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark)

09:40~10:00主动脉瓣狭窄治疗:常规或经皮换瓣? 董林旺(美国北科罗拉多医学中心) Aortic valve stenosis: Surgical vs Percutaneous? Dong Linwang(Medical Center of Northern Colorado, United States)

10:00~10:20合并严重左心功能不全的二尖瓣手术 蔡耀龙(新加坡国家心脏中心)

Mitral valve surgery in patients with severely depressed left ventricular function Chua Yeow Leng ( National Heart Centre, Singapore)

10:20~10:30 茶歇Tea break

下半场(10:30~12:00) 主持人:蔡耀龙 朱德明 王云

Second Session (10:30 ~ 12:00) Hosts:Chua Yeow Leng Zhu Deming Wang Yun

10:30~10:50 全国心脏外科和体外循环2014年度统计报告 朱德明(上海儿童医学中心)

The 2014 annual statistical report of cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass in China Zhu Deming (Shanghai Children's Medical Center)

10:50~11:10非搏动式左心室辅助装置--新加坡国家心脏中心的应用经验 朱玲(新加坡国家心脏中心)

Non-pulse left ventricular assist device – theexperience fromSingapore National Heart Center

Zhu Ling( National Heart Center, Singapore)

11:10~11:30 累及弓部的主动脉夹层/主动脉瘤处理策略:开刀、介入、复合? 柳德斌(兰州大学第二医院)

Treatment strategies for the aortic dissection/aneurysm with aortic arch involved: Open, endovascular repair or hybrid procedure? Liu Debin (The Second Hospital of Lanzhou University)

11:30~11:50 70岁以上患者非体外循环冠脉搭桥术 王云(宁夏医科大学总医院)

OPCABG for the patients over 70 years old Wang Yun(General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University)

11:50~13:30 午餐


14:30~16:00 主持人:方刚 吴继红 渠川铮

14:30~16:00 Hosts: Fang Gang Wu Jihong Qu Chuanzheng

14:30~14:50 先心病经胸封堵初步治疗体会 方刚(宁夏医科大学总医院)

Thepreliminary experience of trans-thoracic occlusion for thecongenital heart defects

Fang Gang(General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University)

14:50~15:10 心脏瓣膜重建、修复、成形技术的临床应用 陈家华(银川卡瓦心脏中心)

The clinical applications of reconstruction, repair and plasty of heart valves

Chen Jiahua (YinchuanCarvarHeart Center )

15:10~15:30 心脏手术后新发房颤潜在预测 顾继伟(丹麦奥尔堡大学)

Postoperative new-onset atrial fibrillation following cardiac surgery with special reference to

potential new predictors Gu Jiwei(Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark)

15:30~15:50 IABP在冠脉搭桥围术期的应用 刘旭东(宁夏医科大学总医院)

The perioperative application of IABP for the CABG

Liu Xudong General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University)

15:50~16:00 自由讨论,茶歇

Free discuss, Tea break